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Human Design 3/6 Martyr Role Model & 6/3 Role Model Martyr

Learn about the 3/6 and 6/3 Human Design profiles, what they mean for your energy type and how they influence your relationships and the way you approach life choices.

Overview of 3/6 Martyr Role Model Profile and 6/3 Role Model Martyr in Human Design

Human Design profile 3/6 Martyr Role Model and 6/3 Role Model Martyr | A woman wearing a hat and holding a pen studies a map of the world.

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One of the basics of Human Design, the profile lines in your Human Design chart offer insight to your personality. 

While aura types have their own specific roles, each individual profile line brings its own specific set of qualities and natural gifts to your design, teaching you more about your life purpose and incarnation cross.

Quick recap about the profile lines…

There are 12 profiles in the the Human Design system developed by Ra Uru Hu. Each one is made up of two of the six profile lines, which correspond to the six lines of the hexagram. They comprise of:

  • 1st Line – The first line is the line of the Investigator
  • 2nd Line – The second line is the line of the Hermit
  • 3rd Line – The third line is the line of the Martyr
  • 4th Line – The fourth line is the line of the Opportunist
  • 5th Line – The fifth line is the line of the Heretic
  • 6th Line – The sixth line is the line of the Role Model

Every human being has their own profile number which can be found by looking at the unique energetic blueprint of their Human Design chart. 

Your conscious profile calculation is derived from the position of your personality sun / earth (conscious personality), and your unconscious design calculation is based on the position of your design sun / earth (unconscious sun / earth).

The 3/6 profile has personal purpose, which means it can be realised independently, without the need for interactions with others. 

All profiles with a 6 line are divided into three distinct phases.

6/3 Role Model Martyrs on the other hand have transpersonal purpose, meaning they require connection and communication with others.

It’s also worth a little reminder here that all profiles with a 6 line are divided into three distinct phases:

  • Phase one – Starts at birth an continues to around 30 years of age
  • Phase two – Starts at around 30 and continues until around 50 years of age
  • Phase three – Starts at around 50+ and lasts until the end of life

As their lives evolve, so too does their wisdom.

Not got your Human Design chart yet? Download it for free using our Human Design chart calculator.

When we talk about profiles, the following three important things should be borne in mind:

  • When looking at your profile lines, the first number is tied to consciousness, and the second number to unconsciousness.
  • They provide potential influence for life experiences, not guarantees.
  • They ultimately manifest in a different way depending on Human Design types, and they should therefore be read in conjunction, as a unique way to navigate the outside world.

Now let’s take a deep dive into the dynamic of the two lines in the 3/6 and 6/3 profiles…

Diagram of 3/6 profile in Human Design.
Diagram of 3/6 profile in Human Design.
Learn how to read your Human Design chart in our post covering the various components and terminology.

The 3rd Profile Line – Martyr

The third profile line is all about discovery and learning through personal experience.

For 3/6 Martyr Role Model’s, the third line manifests consciously, while it’s subconscious for profile 6/3.

A third line shows up as an intense drive to try new things at any cost, which often results in errors! But that’s no bad thing for a 3rd line person – they thrive on new experiences and learn from their mistakes.

Individuals with the Martyr line are highly curious and inquisitive, compelled to always search out new projects, experiences, and adventures.

Personal experience is vastly more valuable than any other form of learning.

Individuals with the Martyr line are highly curious and inquisitive, compelled to always search out new projects, experiences, and adventures. Of course, inexperience frequently leads to apparent failure.

However, the third line is resilient and those who carry it actually flourish from all that they learn, even if it’s as a result of mistakes or lack of success in their ventures.

False Self in the 3/6 Martyr Role Model Profile

The false self theme always manifests through the conscious line only; the unconscious line associated with the body cannot be influenced in any way, and thus is not vulnerable in the same way.

For profile 3/6, the third line is in the conscious sun. When subject to the effects of conditioning, they’re vulnerable to the false self theme associated with the Martyr line.

The not-self theme occurs in the third line when they take on others’ opinions.

It’s important to remember that the Martyr line performs a special function, which is a relatively unique trait. It is entirely correct for those with the third line to forever seek out new challenges and experiences, and it is also to be expected that many of these will not work out.

While many people – most, even – tend to become disillusioned and quit after they’ve had their fingers burnt a few times, the Martyr line is not fazed by failure. They thrive on the learning opportunity, and look for the next challenge.

The 3/6 is quite comfortable with the process of trial and error.

The not-self theme occurs in the third line when they take on others’ opinions, or allow them to influence their confidence and desire to keep seeking out new experiences. 

The irony of course, is that without the projection of such negativity, the 3/6 is quite comfortable with the process of trial and error that epitomises their profile.

By remaining in alignment with their strategy and authority, the Martyr Role Model can attain the required resilience to live their purpose.

The 6th Profile Line – Role Model

The lives of those who carry the 6th line of the Role Model are divided into three phases.

A house analogy is often used to describe these stages.

Each stage has specific roles in the development of the self:

  • Phase one: birth to Saturn return
  • Phase two: Saturn return to Chiron return
  • Phase three: after Chiron return

A house analogy is often used to describe these stages, with the second phase being ‘on the roof’. It’s an introspective time during which one tends to observe, gaining insight and perspective of the world around him.

In the house analogy, the final third phase is coming back down from the roof with true, mature wisdom, to reintegrate with those around them in a more discriminating and valuable way.

Order Your Human Design Report!

If you’re intrigued by what you’re reading and would like to delve further into your Design, why not order a thorough Human Design reading report for yourself or a loved one? 

Hot tip: Use code HD963K2 for a 25% discount when you purchase two or more reports!

Child reports, unique to the market, are now also available to help strengthen your connection with your child, and support their wellbeing.

Unlike the free reports typically available online, the offering from Supernatural Coaching is a 120+ page comprehensive deep-dive into your unique Design and type, also covering profiles and themes and providing a quick reference guide and workbook.

Mother and child reading their Human Design reports.
Just getting started with Human Design? Get your Essential Human Design Report for just GBP 10.00!

Now let’s take a closer look at the three different life stages of the 6th line Role Model.

Phase One: Birth to Saturn Return (~ Age 30)

This first stage is all about making mistakes and learning from them in the early years of life. When paired with line 3, the Martyr, this phase can be characterised by naivety, and perhaps even arrogance.

The third line of the Martyr seeks out new experiences, and the earliest phase of the Role Model feels very competent – more so than their peers.

Alas, this attitude will not last as reality sets in. When their overconfidence becomes apparent, both the 3/6 and the 6/3 profiles begin to see the world from a more realistic perspective.

Phase Two: Saturn Return (~ Age 30) to Chiron Return (~ Age 50)

The second phase concerns a maturing outlook for a 6th line person.

As solid foundations are laid, life experience facilitates a more nuanced and mature outlook.

Self-development is both inevitable and necessary for Role Models, and it begins in this life stage.

This is the time when a mind shift is experienced, as a more realistic perspective of life emerges. Naivety and arrogance diminish, and as solid foundations are laid, life experience facilitates a more nuanced and mature outlook.

However, while the Role Model may believe they’ve transcended to an optimum state, they have more development to come in their final stage of life.

Phase Three: After Chiron Return (~ Age 50+)

Full maturity is reached during this final phase. At this stage, wise Role Models are able to appreciate their prior inexperience and arrogance. They recognise that there will always be more to learn, and this in itself forms a special kind of wisdom.

With their newly acquired insight, procured through tough life lessons, this phase feels like realising their sense of purpose – which in many ways is exactly what it is.

False Self in the 6/3 Role Model Martyr Profile

For profile 6/3, the sixth Role Model line is in the unconscious sun and it’s this line through which the not-self theme may be expressed.

Diagram of 6/3 profile in Human Design.
Diagram of 6/3 profile in Human Design.

For the Role Model-Martyr, the false self manifests as out of control arrogance and a superiority complex. Since a huge element of the sixth profile line is growth, this is already an unfortunate trait in the first phase – up to a point.

The false self manifests as an inflated ego.

When conditioning sets in, those negative and destructive qualities are amplified and can begin to permeate and damage relationships.

Learn more about conditioning and the process of deconditioning in Human Design.

Instead of simply a lack of perspective and maturity, perhaps just tipping over into arrogance and pride, the false self manifests as an inflated ego and sense of self-importance compared to everyone the 6/3 comes into contact with.

To avoid inadvertently engineering a situation that results in loneliness as relationships are first damaged and then abandoned, the 6/3 should focus on living in alignment with their strategy and authority.

The Role of Aura Type in Profile 3/6 and 6/3

Knowing what your profile lines are and gaining a deeper understanding of how they work together can be beneficial, but it’s genetic type which is the truly fundamental component of personality.

While the traits described above apply to anyone carrying the third or sixth line, they are nuanced and varied according to aura type: profiles are expressed differently according to energy type.

With this in mind, it’s important to consider profiles within the context of energy types, the most basic component of Human Design.

3/6 Manifestor Profile in Human Design

Manifestor’s have a dense aura which can be both problematic (because it prevents Manifestors from developing empathy), but also protective.

Their repelling aura means that other people’s negative energy or opinions are deflected, and with this in mind, the false self manifests a little differently. 

The false self appears as self-doubt.

Rather than actively responding to other people’s attitudes about their actions and plans, Manifestors are more likely to be their own undoing. 

The false self appears as self-doubt (due to a reluctance to make mistakes in the future) and a desire for stability – ultimately leading to an avoidance of the very experiments that are so vital for the Martyr.

It’s important for the 3/6 Pure Manifestor to pay close attention to his own thoughts, and keep them in check.

3/6 Generator Profile in Human Design

Thanks to their defined Sacral center, Pure Generators have a unique and special decision-making process.

Irrespective of their inner authority, which can be Sacral, Splenic, or Emotional authority, tuning into their Sacral response is vital for Generators.

A defining feature of the third line is indiscriminately taking up new experiences as learning opportunities. For Generators it’s necessary to be a little more discerning, selecting only those activities which are correct for them.

3/6 Manifesting Generator Profile in Human Design

Manifesting Generators are a hybrid of Manifestors and Generators, with a combination of their traits. 

With this blend of features, an MG is in the strong position of having abundant reserves of life force energy which can be applied in multiple directions at once, and they’re also able to initiate.

This is where the Sacral response is so valuable for the MG Martyr Role Model.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that an MG’s strategy is inherited from Pure Generators: the powerful Sacral response, which should be employed before devoting themselves to any new venture.

With a combination of an MG with profile 3/6, it’s necessary to be discerning in what projects are taken on to avoid despondency or burnout. This is where the Sacral response is so valuable for the Manifesting Generator Martyr Role Model.

3/6 Projector Profile in Human Design

The Projector’s strategy is to ‘wait for an invitation’. This is in direct conflict with the third line theme of wanting to try everything!

The specific challenge for Projector’s is that if they ignore the strategy which is correct for their unique design, they are likely to find themselves imposing on others, ultimately leading to their ostracisation. This in turn leads to the not-self theme of bitterness in the Human Design Projector.

Following their strategy is the only way to correctly avoid this situation, which is an ongoing battle for the 3/6 Projector.

3/6 Reflector Profile in Human Design

Reflectors are unique in that having poorly defined attributes of their own, however one of their natural talents is their innate ability to read the energy of others. 

This profile / type combination works well.

Reflectors struggle to know their true self, instead trying on the traits and qualities of others which appeal to them.

This profile / type combination works well, with the third line drive to try many different opportunities, complementing the Reflector’s tendency to try on the masks of the people around them.

6/3 Manifestor Profile in Human Design

The 6/3 Manifestor is doubly vulnerable to the effects of conditioning and the false self, because not only do they have the conscious sixth line, they also have that closed aura.

It’s imperative for the 6/3 Manifestor to nurture their relationships sensitively.

Together, this results in an inflated ego, arrogance, and disdain for others.

With this combination putting the 6/3 Manifestor very much on the back foot socially, it’s imperative for them to nurture their relationships sensitively, and resist the impulse to scorn or belittle others.

6/3 Generator Profile in Human Design

Similarly to the conscious third line in the 3/6 profile, the first phase of the sixth line can result in an overwhelming number of opportunities for growth.

As a Generator, once again it’s invaluable to be attuned to the Sacral response to help navigate and prioritise those experiences which are of genuine value, and make correct decisions.

6/3 Manifesting Generator Profile in Human Design

As mentioned above, the MG takes its strategy from the Generator. 

Listening to the Sacral response ensures the 6/3 MG only takes on experiences which will actively benefit their growth

Similarly to the above type and profile combination, the 6/3 Manifesting Generator is well suited to having the ability to multitask and juggle various different projects.

In the case of the 6/3, listening to the Sacral response ensures the MG only takes on experiences which will actively benefit their growth, which is in alignment with their purpose. 

6/3 Projector Profile in Human Design

Just like the 3/6 Projector, the 6/3 Projector has some difficult conflicting traits. 

If they fail to follow their strategy to wait for an invitation, they’re likely to face opposition.

The third line is all about trying new experiences, and the sixth line holds similarities in its quest for growth and personal development.

Unfortunately for the 6/3 Projector, if they fail to follow their strategy to wait for an invitation, they’re likely to face opposition and again find themselves snubbed.

Learning to be patient and embracing their strategy is the correct way to avoid the false self theme of bitterness.

6/3 Reflector Profile in Human Design

In the case of the 6/3 Reflector, the sixth line desire to pursue personal growth manifests harmoniously alongside the Reflector’s trait to emulate anyone they admire.

Reflectors can find it difficult to know their true nature, and following their strategy to wait a full lunar cycle can help them find clarity.

Careers for Profile 3/6 and 6/3 in Human Design

Ideal career paths for the 3/6 and 6/3 profile include anything that requires adaptability and multiple roles within the position. 

The opportunity to try various different tasks and duties appeals to the Martyr, whilst also satisfying the Role Model’s deep need for self-improvement.

3/6 Human Design Compatibility

Each profile is known to be effortlessly compatible with other specific profiles, and this extends beyond romantic partners to all areas of life, including friendships and business relationships too.

Bear in mind that this is simply a guide to known easy relationships, and doesn’t indicate that other relationships can’t also work!

Ideal matches: 3/6 and 6/3

Also compatible: 1/3, 3/5

Less compatible: 1/4, 2/4, 2/5, 4/6, 4/1, 5/1, 5/2, 6/2

6/3 Human Design Compatibility

Each profile is known to be effortlessly compatible with other specific profiles, and this extends beyond romantic partners to all areas of life, including friendships and business relationships too.

Bear in mind that this is simply a guide to known easy relationships, and doesn’t indicate that other relationships can’t also work!

Ideal matches: 3/6 and 6/3

Also compatible: 1/3, 3/5, 6/2

Less compatible: 1/4, 2/4, 2/5, 4/6, 4/1, 5/1, 5/2

Ready to Order Your Report?

Curious to find out more, or order a reading for yourself or a loved one?

A comprehensive report can be an excellent tool to help deepen your relationships. And, newly unique to the market, child reports are now also available to help strengthen your connection with your child, and support their wellbeing.

Hot tip: Use code HD963K2 for a 25% discount when you purchase two or more reports!

Unlike the free reports typically available online, the offering from Supernatural Coaching is a 120+ page comprehensive deep-dive into your unique Design and type, also covering profiles and themes and providing a quick reference guide and workbook.

Woman in a coffee shop reading her husband's Human Design report. She has long dark hair and there's a cup of coffee in front of her.
Just getting started with Human Design? Get your Essential Human Design Report for just GBP 10.00!

What Does the Science Say?

The theory of Human Design is not supported by science.

That said, the concepts associated with the philosophy are no less fascinating, and I’ve been interested in deconstructing various principles to see where there may be elements which crossover with studies and research.

In the cases of the 3/6 Martyr Role Model and 6/3 Role Model Martyr, there are a couple of types with similarities.

In terms of the 12 Human Design profiles, I’ve been cross-referencing with the Myers-Briggs personality types1, to see whether there are any direct overlaps with the 16 personality types identified in the MBTI test.

In the cases of the 3/6 Martyr Role Model and 6/3 Role Model Martyr, there are a couple of types with similarities:

  • ISTP, the Crafter

Self-sufficient and curious, the ISTP thrives on new experience and the learning opportunities they provide, just like both the 3/6 and 6/3 profiles.

  • ENTP, the Debater

Innovative and inspired, the ENTP enjoys new ideas and projects, of which they tend to begin many (even if they don’t complete them all!).

You can read more about the ISTP here, and the ENTP here.

Signature reading Kate, with a heart.


  1. Free personality test, 16 Personalities

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