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Emotional Authority and the Solar Plexus in Human Design

Everything you need to know about emotional authority and the Solar Plexus center in Human Design, and how it can behave and influence energy.

What is the Solar Plexus Center in Human Design?

Emotional authority and the Solar Plexus in Human Design | Woman stares out to sea.

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The Solar Plexus is one of the 9 energy centers in the Human Design system, developed by Ra Uru Hu. The centers include two pressure centers, three awareness centers, a manifestation center, an identity center, and four motor centers.

They consist of:

  • Head center (pressure center)
  • Ajna center (awareness center)
  • Throat center (manifestation center)
  • G center (identity center)
  • Heart / Ego center (motor center)
  • Spleen center (awareness center)
  • Emotional Solar Plexus center (awareness and motor center)
  • Sacral center (motor center)
  • Root center (pressure and motor center)

Human Design is based on several different modalities, with these energy centers being derived from the Hindu Brahaman Chakra system. You may notice however that there are seven chakras and nine energy centers.

This comes from splitting the Heart chakra in two to also include the G center, and splitting the Solar Plexus in two to also include the Splenic center.

Where is the Solar Plexus in Human Design?

The Solar Plexus is both a motor and awareness center.

The Solar Plexus is the left-facing triangle towards the bottom of a Human Design chart, on the far right side. 

Human Design Emotional Solar Plexus center diagram.
Human Design Emotional Solar Plexus center diagram.

It’s the center for mental awareness and emotion, and is associated with the nervous system, the lungs, kidneys, pancreas and prostate glands. The Solar Plexus is both a motor and awareness center.

Learn how to read your Human Design chart in our post covering the various components and terminology.

What is Emotional Authority in Human Design?

Inner authority governs the decision-making process of individuals, and is controlled by our defined, undefined, and open centers. The different authorities are as follows:

  1. Solar Plexus authority – emotional center defined
  2. Sacral authority – defined Sacral center
  3. Splenic authority – Splenic center defined
  4. Ego authority – Heart center defined
  5. Self-Projected / G center authority – G center defined
  6. Environmental authority / Mental Projectors – no defined centers below the throat
  7. Lunar authority – no defined centers

Since we usually have more than one defined center, it’s necessary to look at all of the defined centers in order to determine Human Design authority.

All aura types can have Solar Plexus authority with the exception of Reflectors.

Emotional authority outranks all other types of personal authority in terms of hierarchy. When an individual has a defined Solar Plexus, they will have emotional authority irrespective of what other energy centers they have defined.

All aura types can have Solar Plexus authority with the exception of Reflectors who rely on the lunar cycle.

You may like to read more about inner authority to learn about the hierarchy of defined centers.

Order Your Human Design Report!

If you’re intrigued by what you’re reading and would like to delve further into your Design, why not order a thorough Human Design reading report for yourself or a loved one? 

Hot tip: Use code HD963K2 for a 25% discount when you purchase two or more reports!

Child reports, unique to the market, are now also available to help strengthen your connection with your child, and support their wellbeing.

Unlike the free reports typically available online, the offering from Supernatural Coaching is a 120+ page comprehensive deep-dive into your unique Design and type, also covering profiles and themes and providing a quick reference guide and workbook.

Mother and child reading their Human Design reports.
Just getting started with Human Design? Get your Essential Human Design Report for just GBP 10.00!

What Percentage of People Have an Undefined Solar Plexus Center?

The Solar Plexus is undefined or open in around half of the population (47%). The remaining 53% have a defined Solar Plexus center.

It’s important for these people to recognise that a lot of their experienced emotion manifests from the emotional wave of others who have a defined Solar Plexus.

Individuals with a defined emotional Solar Plexus have a stable and consistent way to process emotions, ie. they are emotional authorities.

Undefined Solar Plexus people are genetically predisposed to be influenced by, and take on and amplify other people’s emotions. 

It’s important for these people to recognise that a lot of their experienced emotion manifests from the emotional wave of others who have a defined Solar Plexus, and is not, in fact, their own energy.

What Does an Open, Defined, or Undefined Solar Plexus Center Mean in Human Design?

A defined center has at least one activated gate joining another activated gate in a neighbouring center, which creates a defined channel between the two centers. Defined centers are coloured on a bodygraph.

Both an undefined or open energy center is white on a body graph. The difference between the two is whether there are any gate activations within the center.

An open center has no definition and no activated gates.

It’s important to note that while the terms ‘undefined’ and ‘open’ are often used interchangeably within Human Design, there is in fact a difference between the two concepts.

An open center has no definition and no activated gates (an undefined center on the other hand is white, but one or more of its gates will be activated, or coloured in black or red).

Let’s take a deeper dive into what it means to have a defined or open / undefined Emotional center…

What is an Undefined Solar Plexus Center?

Anyone with an undefined Solar Plexus is vulnerable to the emotional energy of others – they take in and amplify that energy, falsely experiencing it as their own.

This influence works for better or worse, sometimes being experienced as overwhelming joy, but on the flip side being incredibly draining or even devastating.

That degree of empathy, whilst admirable, is not beneficial.

Either way, the emotional state of anybody whose Solar Plexus is not defined is always coloured by their environment, and specifically the people they surround themselves with. An undefined or open Emotional center will always take on the energy of anyone around them who has a defined Solar Plexus.

As an example, consider watching the news and feeling unable to remain detached from the horrors going on in the world, to the unhealthy extent that it disturbs your own personal peace. 

That degree of empathy, whilst admirable, is not beneficial.

The Solar Plexus Center and the False Self

The above example demonstrates the blueprint of an undefined Emotional Solar Plexus, with the effect being more pronounced in an undefined Emotional center than a completely open one.

This is how the not-self manifests through an open or undefined Solar Plexus.

When an individual is affected by the emotions of others, their own emotions can also become activated as a consequence. The specifics of how this looks and feels will be determined by which of the center’s gates are defined.

This is less of an issue for somebody whose Solar Plexus is completely open.

What is an Open Solar Plexus Center?

With a completely open Solar Plexus, much of the above also applies, except without the added potential for the individual’s own emotionality to also be activated.

Taking time away from those with defined Emotional centers is an act of self-care.

While defined gates in an undefined center usually act like a buffer, they can actually be problematic for the Emotional center. Therefore, a a completely open Solar Plexus person may feel more emotionally stable than an individual with an undefined center.

Either way, it’s important to be aware of how your unique design can impact your moods and perspective – specifically the genetic vulnerability that comes with an open or undefined Solar Plexus.

Alone time is highly valuable for these individuals. Taking time away from those with defined Emotional centers is an act of self-care and self-preservation, in order to resist the inevitable conditioning associated with taking on and amplifying the emotional energy of others.

You may also like this post about self-projected authority in Human Design.

What is a Defined Solar Plexus / Emotional Center?

As we learned above, a defined Solar Plexus gives individuals emotional authority, without exception. Unsurprisingly, having this type of internal authority makes for a very emotional being – but that comes with caveats…

Emotional decision makers feel things deeply. Good or bad, everything feels personal, and perhaps even overwhelming.

BUT – it’s important to recognise that those feelings may not be entirely ‘real’.

The experience of those emotions certainly feels real, but they are very much coloured by the moment and subject to change. 

The phrase ‘sleep on it’ was made for people with emotional authority.

In this sense, it’s necessary to develop a profound emotional awareness, in order to experience authentic emotional intelligence.

For a defined Solar Plexus person, it’s vital to allow themselves space and time to process their feelings in order to gain emotional clarity over how they truly feel.

This moment of clarity can only be gained by riding their own emotional wave, experiencing their feelings during the different perspectives created by its emotional highs and lows – and only then trusting feelings about a particular situation. 

The phrase ‘sleep on it’ was made for people with emotional authority, and might mean one night or several. For as long as you experience that high emotional charge, you’re still riding that wave. The goal is to reach a point of calm neutrality before making major decisions.

Gates in the Emotional Solar Plexus Center

The gates in the G center comprise of the following (listed clockwise):

  • Gate 36 – Gate of the Crisis / Compassion
  • Gate 30 – Gate of the Recognition of Feelings / Clinging Fire
  • Gate 55 – Gate of Spirit / Abundance
  • Gate 49 – Gate of Principles / Revolution
  • Gate 6 – Gate of Friction / Intimacy
  • Gate 37 – Gate of Friendship / Boundaries
  • Gate 22 – Gate of Openness / Grace

Whether your Emotional center is defined or undefined, it’s valuable to understand those gates which are activated.

Defined gates are where energy will flow and process most consistently. Familiarise yourself with the themes of their energy, and notice which centers they’re connected to via defined or undefined channels.

Depending on which gates and channels are activated in the Emotional center, individuals will have a different emotional wave.

Ask yourself:

  • Are you consciously aware of the energy theme in your life?
  • How does it make you feel?
  • How can you nurture that energy in a positive way?

You can learn more in our post about gates and channels in Human Design.

We know that a defined Solar Plexus creates emotional authority, which manifests as an emotional wave. Depending on which gates and channels are activated in the Emotional center, individuals will have a different emotional wave, each with distinguishing features.

The Different Emotional Waves

There are three (or arguably four) different emotional wave types, and an individual’s feelings are dominated by the one/s which defines their solar plexus. Potentially, you can also have all three of them defining your solar plexus, but that’s less common.

We looked at the gates in the Solar Plexus, now let’s see which defined channels give rise to each of the three different types of emotional waves…

Tribal Emotional Wave

The most complex wave pattern.

Channels 37-40 or 49-19.

Diagram of an emotional tribal wave in Human Design.

So-called for its circuitry which belongs to the Defense or Ego circuit, sub-circuits of the Tribal circuit.

The most complex wave pattern, tribal waves ratchet up slowly before exploding.

Touch is super important to those with a tribal emotional wave, having the capacity to calm and soothe in times of stress or distress.

Individual Emotional Wave

The least dramatic of the waves.

Channels 55-39 or 22-12.

Diagram of an emotional individual wave in Human Design.

So-called for its circuitry which belongs to the Knowing circuit, a sub-circuit of the Individual circuit.

The least dramatic of the waves, people with an individual wave generally tend to live in a place of clarity. The individual emotional wave appears to be stable and calm, until an emotional spike occurs.

For anyone with an individual emotional wave, it’s important to recognise and honour their own mood, observing their state of mind with grace. In other words, they should resist acting out of obligation.

Abstract Emotional Wave

One of the more intense waves.

Channels 30-41 or 36-35. Also known as collective emotional wave.

Diagram of an emotional abstract wave in Human Design.

So-called for its circuitry which belongs to the Abstract/Sensing circuit, a sub-circuit of the Collective circuit.

One of the more intense waves, the abstract emotional wave builds and builds before crashing.

For those with an abstract emotional wave, the key to living correctly is to learn that limited expectations lead to reduced disappointments in life and, subsequently, increased fulfilment.

You may have noticed that one channel is missing from those mentioned under each of the above waves. That’s channels 6 – 59, the channel of mating, which gets its own heading as it’s super important.

Channel of Mating (6 – 59) – Source of All Waves

Manifests as a relatively stable wave.

Gate 6 is where all of the emotional waves are generated from, and is therefore known as the Source of All Waves.

The source wave is an amalgamation of the other three waves, manifesting as a relatively stable wave. While the tribal and abstract waves in particular have pronounced peaks and dips, the wave created by this channel tends to be somewhat levelled out.

Despite technically being part of the Tribal circuit, this wave responds differently to touch. An emotional person with channel 6 – 59 is liable to explode if touched when already on the edge.

Aura Types With Emotional Authority

All aura types should follow the inner guidance of their authority types in order to make the most aligned decisions.

As mentioned above, all energy types except Reflectors can have emotional authority. Let’s take a look at how each manifests…

Pure Manifestor With Emotional Authority

Have a direct connection from a motor center to the Throat center. Undefined Sacral.

Being patient does not come naturally to this energy type.

The emotional Manifestor is in the unique position of being able to initiate. Once they have ridden the crest and crash of their emotional wave and moved into a period of relative calm, they’re free to inform others of their intentions and proceed.

The emotional clarity that comes with the stability of equilibrium plays a vital role in a Manifestor’s strategy. Being patient does not come naturally to this energy type, however it’s important in order to avoid inviting chaos into their lives.

Pure Generator With Emotional Authority

Have a defined Sacral, no connection to the Throat center.

Generators are Sacral beings and so, even with emotional authority, they need to tune into their Sacral response and heed its message.

As a rule, for Generators with emotional authority the sound of the Sacral response initiates the firing process of the emotional wave.

Manifesting Generator With Emotional Authority

Have a defined Sacral with direct connection to the Throat center.

As a hybrid between the above two types, Manifesting Generator’s are designed to inform and respond. 

MG’s should follow the same strategy as both the Manifestor and the Generator, paying attention to their Sacral response, before informing those around them of their intentions.

Projector With Emotional Authority

Non-energy Human Design type. Have no direct connection from any motor centers to the Throat center. Open Sacral center. At least two other centers are defined.

If they follow their strategy and authority, people and projects which are correct will naturally gravitate towards the Projector.

For the emotional Projector it’s even more important to wait for clarity, since this is their strategy. 

People and projects which are correct will naturally gravitate towards the Projector if they are patient and follow their strategy before making big decisions. This emotional process organically ensures Projectors reach the right decisions.

Ready to Order Your Report?

Curious to find out more, or order a reading for yourself or a loved one?

A comprehensive report can be an excellent tool to help deepen your relationships. And, newly unique to the market, child reports are now also available to help strengthen your connection with your child, and support their wellbeing.

Hot tip: Use code HD963K2 for a 25% discount when you purchase two or more reports!

Unlike the free reports typically available online, the offering from Supernatural Coaching is a 120+ page comprehensive deep-dive into your unique Design and type, also covering profiles and themes and providing a quick reference guide and workbook.

Woman in a coffee shop reading her husband's Human Design report. She has long dark hair and there's a cup of coffee in front of her.
Just getting started with Human Design? Get your Essential Human Design Report for just GBP 10.00!

What Does the Science Say?

Despite its growing popularity, there’s no evidence to support the mystical-scientific system of Human Design principles.

To learn more about the science of decision-making, head over to our post about authority in Human Design where I’ve written on this subject specifically.

Signature reading Kate, with a heart.

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