Learn about Sacral authority in Human Design and how the defined, undefined, and open Sacral center each behaves and influences energy.
What is Sacral Authority in Human Design?
![Sacral authority Human Design | Close up of a woman wearing black underwear, sitting crosslegged with her hands in a triangle across her belly.](https://manifestinghumandesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/sacral-center-authority-human-design-1024x683.jpg)
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In Human Design we all have either inner or outer authority, dependent upon which of our energy centers are defined, undefined, or open.
Most people have more than one defined center. Reflectors are the only Human Design type with no defined centers, giving them Lunar authority (their strategy is to wait a lunar cycle).
This means we must look at all nine centers on a Human Design chart in order to determine authority type.
Authority variations include:
- Emotional authority – defined Solar Plexus center
- Sacral authority – defined Sacral center
- Splenic authority – Splenic center defined
- Ego authority – defined Heart center
- Self-Projected authority – G center defined
- Environmental authority / Mental Projectors – no defined centers below the throat
- Lunar authority – no defined centers
The above are listed in hierarchical order, with a defined Solar Plexus outranking all other defined centers, and then the Sacral coming next.
In other words, if you have a defined Sacral, unless you also have a defined Solar Plexus, you will have Sacral inner authority.
All Generators and Manifesting Generators have a defined Sacral.
Generator types (both Pure Gens and Manifesting Generators) are the only energy type to have Sacral authority, around 35% of the population.
All Generators and Manifesting Generators have a defined Sacral, the difference between them being that a Pure Sacral Generator does not have a direct connection to the Throat center, while MG’s do.
Order Your Human Design Report!
If you’re intrigued by what you’re reading and would like to delve further into your Design, why not order a thorough Human Design reading report for yourself or a loved one?
Hot tip: Use code HD963K2 for a 25% discount when you purchase two or more reports!
Child reports, unique to the market, are now also available to help strengthen your connection with your child, and support their wellbeing.
Unlike the free reports typically available online, the offering from Supernatural Coaching is a 120+ page comprehensive deep-dive into your unique Design and type, also covering profiles and themes and providing a quick reference guide and workbook.
![Mother and child reading their Human Design reports.](https://manifestinghumandesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/mother-child-human-design-report-774x1024.jpg)
What is the Sacral Center in Human Design?
The Sacral is one of the 9 energy centers in the Human Design system, developed by Ra Uru Hu. The centers include two pressure centers, three awareness centers, a manifestation center, an identity center, and four motor centers.
They consist of:
- Head center (pressure center)
- Ajna center (awareness center)
- Throat center (manifestation center)
- G center (identity center)
- Heart / Ego center (motor center)
- Spleen center (awareness center)
- Emotional Solar Plexus center (awareness and motor center)
- Sacral center (motor center)
- Root center (pressure and motor center)
The Sacral center is the most powerful motor center in the body.
Where is the Sacral Center in the Body?
The Sacral center is the square energy center below the diamond-shaped Identity G center at the centre of the chest.
![Human Design Sacral center diagram.](https://manifestinghumandesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/human-design-sacral-center-diagram-738x1024.jpg)
Non-Sacral beings absorb and amplify Sacral energy.
It’s the source of vital life force energy and reproduction, and the succession of our species is dependent on its fertile power.
Sacral beings have consistent access to its abundant and sustainable energy supply. Non-Sacral beings absorb and amplify its energy when in the company of Generators and Manifesting Generators.
What Does an Open, Undefined, or Defined Sacral Center Mean in Human Design?
It’s easy to tell whether Human Design centers are defined or not simply by looking at a body graph. In Human Design, open and undefined energy centers are white, while defined centers are coloured in.
The terms ‘open’ and ‘undefined’ are often used interchangeably, which is incorrect.
For a center to be defined, it must have at least one defined (or activated) gate adjacent to another defined gate in a different energy center. A defined channel is formed between two activated gates, and the centers each gate belongs to will also become defined.
The difference between an open or undefined center is more subtle, and the terms are often used interchangeably, which is incorrect.
If a center has activated gates but undefined adjacent gates, creating a lack of definition in the channels between them (coloured only half way), the center is also undefined. There must be at least one defined channel between two centers to create definition in both adjoining centers.
For a center to be completely open, it will have no defined gates.
Now let’s take a closer look at what it means to have an open, defined, or undefined Sacral center…
What is an Undefined Sacral Center?
Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors do not have the same internal energy resource as Sacral beings. Instead, they absorb and amplify the Sacral energy of others any Pure Generator or Manifesting Generator in their vicinity.
Unfortunately for non-Sacral types, they’re not genetically designed for these heightened energy levels, meaning they’re also not equipped to be self-aware of when they need to rest.
The undefined Sacral center is vulnerable to the complete depletion of energy reserves.
The Sacral Center and the False Self
Non-Sacral being are known for taking on the energy of those around them and subsequently being a hive of activity.
The not-self theme of the undefined Sacral manifests as compulsive action.
Alas, they fail to pay attention to their own tiredness, continuing to exert themselves, even when they recognise their exhaustion.
The not-self theme of the undefined Sacral manifests as a compulsion to keep toiling, even to their own detriment.
What is an Open Sacral Center?
Those with no activated gates in the Sacral center are at the same risk of burnout as those with defined gates but an undefined center.
Follow your strategy and authority to create healthy balance.
However, completely open centers are also a source of great wisdom. Your openness leads to great empathy with those around you whose energy you’re taking in.
In order to create a healthy balance between the negative and positive traits associated with an open Sacral, it’s important to follow your strategy and authority, which will help you to navigate accordingly.
What is a Defined Sacral Center?
As mentioned earlier, around 35% of people have Sacral authority. However, closer to 70% of people have a defined Sacral.
Becoming attuned to the bodily response of your Sacral motor allows you to use it to its fullest advantage.
Remember, there’s a hierarchy of defined energy centers to determine authority type.
What this means is that even with a different authority, all Generators and MG’s benefit from the powerful energetic gut response that comes from having a defined Sacral.
Being the most important motor center and manifesting as the body’s wisdom, the Sacral is an incredibly powerful tool, providing consistent energy and operating at a level below consciousness.
But if you’re a Generator of Manifesting Generator, how can you become attuned to the bodily response of your Sacral motor and use it to its fullest advantage for making correct decisions?
It starts with understanding how your Sacral energy feels in your body.
Types of Sacral Authority
We’ve talked about the hierarchy of authority, but the Sacral is a special case. Technically not all human beings with a defined Sacral have Sacral authority.
Your Sacral response reveals your inner truth.
Because its energy is so profound, it’s often considered that all Generators and MG’s have a version of Sacral authority, influenced by which other centers are defined.
You may hear the terms:
- Generated Sacral authority
- Manifested Sacral authority
- Splenic Generated Sacral authority
Essentially, the hierarchy applies as usual, but always in tandem with your Sacral response, which reveals your inner truth.
Keep in mind that if you have a defined Solar Plexus (which outranks the Sacral), you must honour its wave of emotional energy in order to make a right decision. This applies for small decisions and big decisions alike.
What Does Sacral Energy Feel Like?
When excited by an idea or project, Sacral energy feels like an expansion in the lower abdomen. Conversely, you can take a contracting feeling in the belly as a gut instinct, warning that something isn’t right for you.
Tap into your clear Sacral response to develop healthy boundaries.
The term ‘gut reaction’ perfectly demonstrates the manifestation of Sacral energy, which is often displayed as a responsive series of grunts and groans emanating from the gut.
It has been described as a push or pull from the body, combined with guttural sounds emitted from the gut, and spilling out of the mouth. The Sacral voice sounds like:
‘Uh-huh’ (yes), or ‘nuh-uh’ (no).
Tap into your clear Sacral response to develop healthy boundaries and only say yes to those things which light you up.
How to Listen to Your Sacral Authority
So, how can you actively tune into the inner response of your Sacral and heed its message?
Well, if this applies to you then you’re a Generator or Manifesting Generator, so think about your strategy.
Resist overthinking, and simply respond to the inner source of truth.
Whether your Generator strategy is to wait to respond or the MG strategy to inform and respond, the key is the common denominator: respond.
In other words, resist overthinking, and simply respond to the inner source of truth of your Sacral energy. This can be physically heard and felt in the following ways:
- Literal ‘uh-huh’ (yep!) or ‘uhn-un’ noise (nope!) – especially for MG’s (defined Throat center);
- Burst of energy in your gut that physically draws you towards something (yep);
- Dull, heavy feeling in your gut (nope);
- Desire to make a positive ‘mmmmmm!’ sound in response to something (yep);
- Desire to groan a negative ‘ughhhh’ in response to something (nope);
- Lifting, expansive feeling in your belly (yep);
- Contracting knot of dread in your stomach (nope);
- Feeling of uncertainty in response to something (nope);
For many Generators with defined Solar Plexus authority, the emotional wave they’re waiting to respond to is set in motion by the sound of the Sacral response.
If Sacral beings notice themselves hesitate before responding, then their true answer is no.
Additionally, listen intently to the sounds you’re making, especially if there’s a disconnect between the Sacral sounds and the physical words: if a yes comes out with a negative ‘uhn-un’ tone or a no comes out with a distinctly ‘uh-huh’ tone then pay close attention to that!
For many Generators with defined Solar Plexus authority, the emotional wave they’re waiting to respond to is actually set in motion by the sound of the Sacral response – it initiates the firing process of their inner authority.
Gates in the Sacral Center
The gates in the Sacral center comprise of the following (listed clockwise):
- Gate 5 – Gate of Fixed Rhythms / Patterns
- Gate 14 – Gate of Power Skills / Life Purpose
- Gate 29 – Gate of Saying Yes / Novel Experiences
- Gate 59 – Gate of Sexuality / Intimacy
- Gate 9 – Gate of Focus / Obsessive Attention
- Gate 3 – Gate of Ordering / Solutions
- Gate 42 – Gate of Growth / Accomplishments
- Gate 27 – Gate of Caring / Nurture
- Gate 34 – Gate of Power / Energy
![Sacral center gates in Human Design.](https://manifestinghumandesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/human-design-sacral-center-gates-1024x1024.jpg)
Regardless of whether your Sacral is defined or undefined, if there are activated gates in your Sacral center, it’s valuable to be aware of them and what they mean.
Defined gates are where energy will flow and process most consistently. Familiarise yourself with the themes of their energy, and notice which centers they’re connected to via defined or undefined channels.
Ask yourself:
- Are you consciously aware of the energy theme in your life?
- How does it make you feel?
- How can you nurture that energy in a positive way?
Ready to Order Your Report?
Curious to find out more, or order a reading for yourself or a loved one?
A comprehensive report can be an excellent tool to help deepen your relationships. And, newly unique to the market, child reports are now also available to help strengthen your connection with your child, and support their wellbeing.
Hot tip: Use code HD963K2 for a 25% discount when you purchase two or more reports!
Unlike the free reports typically available online, the offering from Supernatural Coaching is a 120+ page comprehensive deep-dive into your unique Design and type, also covering profiles and themes and providing a quick reference guide and workbook.
![Woman in a coffee shop reading her husband's Human Design report. She has long dark hair and there's a cup of coffee in front of her.](https://manifestinghumandesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/woman-reading-husbands-human-design-report-815x1024.jpg)
What Does the Science Say?
Despite its growing popularity, there’s no evidence to support the mystical-scientific system of Human Design principles.
To learn more about the science of the decision-making process, head over to our post about authority in Human Design where I’ve written on this subject specifically.
![Signature reading Kate, with a heart.](https://manifestinghumandesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/mhd-signature.png)