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11 Manifesting Journaling Methods, Modified and Backed By Science!

Manifesting journaling can be a powerful way to develop a positive mindset, conducive to realising your dreams and aspirations. Try these law of attraction journaling and manifesting methods, modified to utilise proven techniques to help you establish intentional habits and create the lifestyle you desire.

Manifesting Journaling Divides Opinion…

Manifesting journaling | Image shows an open journal with 'hello' written on it in turquoise, and pens and journaling accessories scattered around it.
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Manifestation power is an incredible, intoxicating concept. So much so that it’s often taken out of the context of science and proven results, into the realms of the mystical.

Which is a shame.

Because there are, in fact, some elements of manifesting which are backed by research – if you know where to look.

Manifestation journaling involves consciously and intentionally writing about your desires with the purpose of making them your reality.

This guide to the manifestation process will deconstruct popular manifesting examples, separate the useful from the futile, and offer some genuinely effective techniques to achieve your goals.

What is Manifestation Journaling?

Manifestation journaling involves consciously and intentionally writing about your desires with the purpose of making them your reality, and when used appropriately can be a great tool. There are several different manifestation methods and techniques (which we’ll be looking at more closely later), but they all have the same ultimate objective:

To realise your goals.

Manifesting and Law of Attraction journaling gives the illusion of control at a time when we’re mostly powerless: it’s the perfect balm for a global pandemic.

Manifesting has existed since the New Thought spiritual movement of the 19th century, and it appears to be gathering traction. 

The reason for its current popularity may simply be because it’s in vogue right now, but more likely is that the fascination with manifesting developed in response to needs once filled by organised religion. 

Manifesting and Law of Attraction work gives the illusion of control at a time when we’re mostly powerless: it’s the perfect balm for a global pandemic.

Hope (and/or faith) is extremely valuable in situations when we have no control. However those focusing solely on a positive outcome without putting in the legwork required to overcome obstacles, might be setting themselves up for disappointment when it comes to accomplishing goals.

But, within the parameters I’m going to outline today, manifesting has: 

  • Legitimate value
  • A basis in psychology
  • Research supporting some truly fascinating ideas

The good news is that utilised in the right way, I promise you can absolutely manifest happiness, which is the ultimate goal, right?

You may also like this post about crystals for manifestation.

Law of Attraction Manifesting For Beginners

The idea that feeling and believing in abundance intensely enough can bring it into your life is a powerful one. This article will show you how you can take advantage of the concept in a practical and effective way that will guarantee successful manifestation.

Let’s take a look at exactly what manifestation journals are, the pitfalls to avoid, and the best way to properly implement manifesting as a great way to level up your life. 

What Are Manifestation Journals?

Journal manifestation | Image shows a stack of notebooks beside an espresso. There's a vine of flowers and a laptop in the background.

Manifestation journals can be a simple notebook used for the purpose of manifestation journaling. Alternatively, you can purchase a manifesting journal specifically designed for the task, which is laid out accordingly and contains relevant manifestation journal prompts.

Does Journaling For Manifestation Work?

When it comes to journal manifestation, there are two camps:

  1. Spiritual / mystical
  2. Psychological / science-based

Both have their place, but it’s important to appreciate the differences between the two so that you can learn more about and practice the kind that most resonates with you.

Mystical manifestation focuses on the vibrations of the universe, the cosmic laws of attraction, and the way our thoughts interact with that energy. It’s a very spiritual practice with lots of appeal (it’s very popular) – but little to back up its efficacy.

Value is largely placed on faith in the process, and while this is something to be careful of in the context of manifesting, it can provide enormous comfort: faith and spirituality are a very effective means of improving mental health.

But does manifesting have merit beyond promoting hope? Let’s take a look at the theory…

How Does Manifesting Work?

Manifestation journaling | Image shows a woman in a blue cardigan writing in a journal.

Manifestation is a New Age philosophy, centred around quantum mechanics. 

Manifestation is peppered with just enough plausibility to make it extraordinarily alluring.

The concept is that just like atoms, we too vibrate with positive or negative energy; high frequency thinking patterns, attitudes, and positive emotions result in positive vibrations, while low frequency thinking patterns result in negative vibrations.

The philosophy suggests that like energy attracts similar vibrations, so those abundant in positive energy attract more positivity into their lives, while negative people attract negativity.

With this in mind, raising your vibrational energy or frequency to achieve an abundance mindset (having a more positive mindset) is said to enable you to connect with your higher self, and attract positive energy and life experiences.

The theory around manifesting includes elements of research-backed psychology – it’s widely known that positive people are happier than negative people – interspersed with faith and spirituality.

Some of the theories behind manifesting can be utilised effectively, by modifying popular techniques.

A heady combination of the physical confused with the metaphysical, manifestation is peppered with just enough plausibility to make it extraordinarily alluring: the perfect way to draw in anyone desperate to realise how they imagine their dream life to look.

For anyone who may already be emotionally vulnerable, this can be be harmful.

However, some of the theories behind manifesting can be utilised effectively, by modifying popular techniques.

You may also like this post about the best manifestation books to read this year.

Is Manifesting Real?

Manifesting is certainly a real movement; but while some people are religious or put their faith in destiny and the occult, I put mine in scientists and the capacity of the human mind to unlearn, relearn, adapt, and grow.

For example, developing a growth mindset is huge – and any technique which helps with that process holds value. If this is something you can get from manifesting, that’s awesome.

So, while many fans are deeply aligned with the philosophy of spiritual manifestation, I’m more interested in the science-based psychology of the mechanisms involved. 

I like to see and understand the evidence that backs up the journaling techniques I employ.

What Are the Most Powerful Manifestation Techniques?

Image shows an open journal on a desk, beside a cup of coffee.

Since the process of journaling is cathartic, any kind of manifestation journaling has merit; however some have proven success at getting results, and they are the ones I want to focus on, to help you accomplish your goals. 

With that in mind, this post explores a variety of manifesting journaling examples – but with a heavy emphasis on those with research to support the theories behind what they aim to achieve.

I’ll go over each of a range of journal manifestation methods, and for each one I’ll explain their limitations and how they can be approached in a healthier way. 

In many cases it’s simply a shift in perception of a given exercise that can change it from implausible, to legitimately effective manifestation technique.

You may also like this post about how to write a manifestation list.

Journal Manifesting Methods

Let’s take a look at which of these popular techniques are proven to be effective manifestation methods…

1. ‘I Am’ Journaling

How to Practice the I Am Manifestation Method the Spiritual Way

‘I am’ journaling is essentially writing out affirmations. You will see some articles about this form of manifesting talk about how simply stating positive daily affirmations or chanting manifestation mantras increases your vibration and frequency, thereby attracting your desires to you.

Image shows a woman writing at a wooden desk. There's a pinecone and a cup on the desk.

How to use this manifesting method for real results

The psychological scoop is that when used correctly, affirmations are genuinely powerful. They can help to bring focus and profoundly change your mindset, defeating self-limiting subconscious beliefs and negative thoughts – an important factor in opening you up to new opportunities.

Want to know more? Read this post about manifestation affirmations and how they can promote positive thoughts and increase your chances of achieving your goals.

2. 5×55 Journaling

How to Practice the 5×55 Manifestation Method the Spiritual Way

This manifestation method is based around angel numbers, and the the importance of number 55 in Numerology. The idea is to set an intention, and then create an affirmation around it, in the present tense as though the goal has already been achieved. The next step is to write down this affirmation 55 times, every day for five days.

Creating the right kind of affirmation can definitely be beneficial.

It’s said that the stronger the feelings evoked in you by the act of writing down the affirmation, the more quickly it will become you reality, and in any case this method will manifest it within five days.

There’s nothing wrong with using positive affirmations, but it’s important to exercise caution when using them in this manner. Naturally, simply wishing hard for something is not enough to bring it to fruition.

When writing present-tense affirmations, if you know them to fundamentally be untrue, they’re unlikely to work (and if they do it will be a coincidence). But an important thing to note is that it’s also unlikely to motivate you to take the necessary action to accomplish the goal.

How to use this manifesting method for positive results

Creating the right kind of affirmation can definitely be beneficial. For example, manifesting a state of mind can be successful.

Additionally, as mentioned above, taking appropriate practical steps towards your goal is vital to see any real gains.

Read how to hack the The 55×5 Method for the best results!

3. The 3x6x9 Method

Manifestation journals | Image shows a pen on top of a stack of notebooks. There's a pair of glasses and a pot plant beside the notebooks.

How to Practice the 3x6x9 Manifestation Method the Spiritual Way

This manifestation method centres around two ideas:

  • The numbers 3, 6, and 9 being important in numerology
  • Abraham’s 17 second rule

Numerology is the pseudoscientific belief in the mystical relationship between numbers and events, while Abraham Hicks is self-described as ‘a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension’. 

The 17 second rule states that if you focus on a thought for 17 seconds, it will create energy around it; if you focus on it for 4×17 seconds, manifestation will begin.

In this technique the first thing you do is create an affirmation related to an intention, which takes 17 seconds to write down. Then each morning on consecutive days you must write the affirmation down three times, then six times at lunchtime, and nine times in the evening.

Continue with this exercise until your goal becomes your reality.

Read more: How to manifest someone to text you using the 369 method.

How to use this manifesting method for real results

The limitations of this Law of Attraction technique mirror those addressed in the 5×55 method.

Likewise, the proper way to use this method as outlined above might be beneficial.

4. Relationship Repairer

How to Practice the Relationship Repairer Manifestation Method the Spiritual Way

This approach is designed to be used when you’re in conflict with somebody. The method involves daily journaling, creating a list of traits or reasons you appreciate the other person.

The act of writing a gratitude list dedicated to the person with whom you’re having a disagreement is said to have a positive cosmic influence.

Why this manifestation technique works

The reality is that gratitude is incredibly powerful, and reminding yourself of why you love someone will help you to forgive. And of course forgiveness will help you to repair a loving relationship.

5. Dream Logging

Image shows a woman writing at a desk. There's a spring of lavender in a vase in front of her.

How to Practice the Dream Logging Manifestation Method the Spiritual Way

Dream logging involves analysing our dreams, with the purpose of ‘connecting with our higher selves’, and ‘opening ourselves up to spirit guidance’.

But can keeping a dream log really provide this kind of cosmic enlightenment? 

In terms of psychology, dreams are fascinating in that there have been many theories posited about their purpose and how meaningful they are.

Freud suggested dreams give insight into the inner workings of the subconscious.

There are countless dream dictionaries claiming to interpret symbolic dreams, but there’s no evidence to suggest they have any scientific basis. Considering how common specific dreams are, teeth falling out for example, it’s understandable that people would believe there is something to decode. 

One theory to explain the prevalence of ‘symbolic’ dreams is the idea that at a primitive level, humans operate similarly, across generations and cultures. We therefore share the same inherent fears, and conjure the same dreams to represent them.

So why do people continue to trust dream dictionaries? Their success has been largely attributed to the ‘Barnum Effect’, in this case where interpretations are broad and vague enough that they could easily apply to everyone (and are therefore widely accepted).

Research which shows that poor sleep impairs memory.

In ancient Egypt people who experienced vivid dreams were considered blessed; more recently Freud suggested dreams give insight into the inner workings of the subconscious mind.

So what’s really going on when we dream?

Most recent hypotheses focus on the idea of the dumping of data – clearing out the short-term storage of the hippocampus to make space for new incoming data the following day. Some information is uploaded to become long-term memory, and the rest is discarded.

This process manifests as random sequences of images and reels, weaved together into arbitrary dreams, only vaguely resembling the original data from which they’re derived. The idea is supported by research which shows that poor sleep impairs memory.

But what about nightmares, or recurrent dreams? Well, this is where there might be something to dream logging.

Image shows a woman writing in a notebook with a spring of flowers beside her.

Neuroscientist Antti Revonsuo proposed the Threat Simulation Theory which suggests that threatening dreams are a biological defence mechanism, akin to a fire drill.

In addition, Tore Nielsen and Ross Levin’s Neurocognitive Model of Dreaming suggests that normal dreaming serves the function of ‘fear-extinction’, while nightmares reflect emotional dysregulation.

How to use this manifesting method for positive outcomes

So how do these theories connect with dream logging?

Well, it may be that dreams do provide some insight to our emotions. If we’re feeling confused, these conflicts may show up in dreams, in which case dream analysis might be helpful.

Repetitive dreams may be your unconscious mind communicating something to you.

Many years ago when I was estranged from a family member, I suffered harrowing recurrent nightmares. With a little scrutiny I was able to determine from the content of the dreams that I needed to face this person, in order to diminish the distorted monster they’d become in my nightmares. 

And it worked: I visited them, faced that fear, and the dreams stopped. 

So from personal experience, I believe in paying attention to repetitive dreams as they may be your unconscious mind communicating something to you. However there is no evidence to suggest dreams can predict the future or have any influence over your every day life.

6. Surrender and Align

How to Practice the Surrender and Align Manifestation Method the Spiritual Way

Surrendering and aligning is the vague notion of letting go of control and aligning fully with the vibration of your goal.

Apparently, the idea is that relinquishing control and aligning with your desire will cause it to manifest. How do you do that? By immersing yourself in the vision that it has already manifested. 

Image shows an open notebook laying across a desk. There's a closed notebook or journal lying beneath it, and a cup of tea to one side.

Supposedly, if you sufficiently embody the belief and act as though your fantasy is already your reality, then it will manifest.

How to use this manifesting method for real results

While there is no scientific basis for this method, there is an important lesson underscoring the technique:

Believing in yourself and your abilities can be a catalyst for making positive change. It can be the difference between maintaining the status quo and having the courage to work towards your ambitions.

7. Belief Elevator

How to Practice the Belief Elevator Manifestation Method the Spiritual Way

For this technique, the first step is to focus on a desire you’re finding it hard to manifest, and then start thinking about your limiting beliefs around that subject.

For example, if you’re trying (and failing) to manifest money, you’ll want to examine your beliefs around money. Grab a piece of paper and write a list of everything you believe about money. Put a line down the middle and on the other side write down how you might elevate those beliefs.

Some unhelpful examples of elevated beliefs I’ve seen around money include:

  • Money is hard to make ⮕ Money is easy to make
  • The rich get richer and the poor get poorer ⮕ Money is attracted energetically
  • Only certain professions make a lot of money ⮕ Beliefs, not professions, attract money

Instead, view it as reframing the belief.

How to use this manifesting method for real results

The above examples are not helpful because they are vague and idealistic. If you want to use this method to manifest money, I’d recommend a subtle but vital shift in perspective:

Rather than focusing on elevating your belief, instead view it as reframing the belief.

Why? Because ultimately your beliefs come from somewhere, you trust their inherent truth, and simply rewriting them to be what you wish were true, doesn’t alter their fundamental accuracy.

However, you can change the way that you perceive these beliefs, by reframing with a more positive approach – critically one in which you take responsibility, and therefore control.

Image shows a woman writing in a notebook. She wears pale blue nail varnish and a creamy jumper.

You are responsible, accountable, and empowered.

Using the examples above again, try reframing to these beliefs instead:

  • Money is hard to make ⮕ Increased effort makes money easier to make.
  • The rich get richer and the poor get poorer ⮕ I can start saving a little money whenever I choose to.
  • Only certain professions make a lot of money ⮕ I can study and work hard to gain entry into my preferred profession.

The difference is significant: the first set of examples is passive, relying on cosmic energy to recognise your worth, which may leave you disappointed.

In the second set of examples you are responsible, accountable, and empowered.

8. Scripting Technique

How to Practice the Scripting Manifestation Method the Spiritual Way

This journal manifestation example involves writing about a particular desire you want to manifest, in the present tense.

You should be super descriptive, painting a detailed picture with your words. Describe what you are doing, what you are wearing, what you can see, hear, and smell – utilise all of the senses to really breathe life into the scene.

The purpose is vivid visualisation, and the idea is that with practice, you’ll be able to visualise the situation into existence.

How to use this manifesting method for real results

Scripting in the form outlined above cannot bring about the things you desire. However, there is an element of this practice which is very effective:

Visualisation is an incredibly powerful tool, as demonstrated by the athletes in this study

Focusing only on the end goal however, will not bring results. But, used alongside practical efforts to help propel you towards your objective, visualisation exercises can be extremely valuable.

More Manifestation Journal Ideas – The Best Manifestation Techniques I Recommend to Get Real Results

Image shows a woman writing in a journal. The desk is pink and there's a pot plant in the background.

While the above methods have limitations, I fully endorse the following effective manifestation techniques as a smart system to take your manifesting to the next level. Here’s how to do them, and why they work:

9. Morning Intentions

With morning intentions, you simply start your day by writing out your intentions for the day. You might focus on specific feelings, what you’re feeling grateful for, or small steps of positive actions you plan to take to drive you towards your goals.

Why is this such a valuable way to begin your day?

Because you’re focusing on your behaviours or perhaps your mood, but – crucially – in a way that involves taking responsibility and making yourself accountable.

10. Evening Reflections

Evening reflections work in a very similar way to morning intentions, but this time reflecting on your day rather than planning it.

Bookending your day with the positivity and appreciation of both methods can be highly effective.

A natural side-effect of practicing gratitude, is manifesting happiness.

11. Keeping a Gratitude Journal

Writing gratitude lists is one of my very favourite kinds of journaling practice, for so many reasons.

Many people use this method to support their manifestation practice, and the reason it works is not because it will change your material circumstances, but because it will alter your mindset.

When somebody feels grateful, they can’t help but feel more positive. Therefore, a natural side-effect of practicing gratitude, is manifesting happiness.

Manifesting Journal Prompts

After all that, if you’re keen to start a Law of Attraction journal with authentic value, here is a manifestation list of affirmations and journaling prompts to get your started:

5 Powerful Manifesting Affirmations 

Try a powerful affirmation and experience the power of positive thinking.

  1. I am in control of my own destiny; my decisions and actions impact the direction of my life.
  2. I am worthy of good things, and I will work hard and make good decisions to make them happen.
  3. I am grateful for my good fortune and I understand and believe that my effort can also improve my circumstances.
  4. I believe I can achieve great things through dedication and perseverance.
  5. I am responsible for my own happiness.
A pink journal lays on top of a white notepad. There's a pen on top of it and some pink confetti on the white desk beside it.

5 Valuable Manifest Journal Prompts 

  1. List out the obstacles standing between you and your goal, and then write three practical actions you can take to overcome them.
  1. Write a bucket list of needs you want to fulfil in order to find happiness, for example: 
  • Companionship
  • Financial security
  • Purpose
  1. List out the reasons you want to accomplish your goal, for example, independence or security instead of money. Now write other ways you could achieve those things.
  1. Think of somebody you admire. Now list out the things you most appreciate about them. Notice how many of them are material vs traits. For each of the material items, list out what needs you believe they would satisfy, and for each trait write out ways you could work towards emulating them.
  1. What traits are you most proud of in yourself? How can you enhance those qualities?

Manifesting Journaling FAQ

Q: How do you start a manifestation journal?

A: If you’re interested in starting a manifestation journal I recommend first clarifying what you are trying to achieve, and then familiarising yourself with the various manifesting methods. 

It’s important to understand the limitations of many manifestation methods, and how they can be tweaked to be authentically useful. The guide in this post can help you to establish which technique is best for you, and how to get the most out of it.

Q: What do you write in a manifesting journal?

A: Journal entries comprising affirmations, intentions, and gratitude lists can be valuable manifesting methods.

It’s a good idea to refer to this post about manifesting affirmations for guidance on how to achieve real and lasting results, based on scientific research and studies.

Q: How do I write out my manifestations?

A: The format of how you write out manifestations will depend on the manifesting method you choose.

This guide offers a selection of popular manifesting techniques, reimagined to ensure they each have genuine value and can offer authentic results.

Q: Are there any other effective manifestation techniques?

A: Yes, you could try creating a vision board or dream board which can work similarly to affirmations, by helping you to focus on your goals and putting you in the right mindset to achieve them.

Q: What are the easiest manifestation methods?

A: They’re the ones that feel authentic and constructive.

Futile exercises will likely leave you drained and disappointed. On the other hand, those which yield results – even if they’re more related to experiencing increased positive feelings than achieving a tangible desired outcome – will feel effortless and worthwhile.

Camera, flowers, journal and macarons on a white desk.

Final Thoughts on Journal Manifestation

If we can acknowledge these impulses for what they are, then we can choose not to be a slave to them.

It’s worth noting that our drive for wanting more, more, more actually comes from somewhere primitive:

When our ancestors found water, next they wanted to find food, and once they found food, then they wanted to find shelter. And if they found that too then they’d want more water and food, and better shelter.

The pursuit of more, bigger, better literally ensured our survival, and that means it’s very hard to shake, even when it’s no longer relevant to the way we now live.

Journal manifestation feeds into this survival instinct. But if we can acknowledge these impulses for what they are, then we can choose not to be a slave to them.

Instead of coveting possessions, money, or status, we can instead make contentment the ultimate goal, and that’s a far more achievable and realistic (and ongoing) pursuit.

Good luck on your practical and authentic manifestation journey!

Signature reading Kate, with a heart.

3 thoughts on “11 Manifesting Journaling Methods, Modified and Backed By Science!”

  1. I am currently working on making my own custom journal for myself and these are all actually very helpful tips. Thank you so much for sharing. I am bookmarking this blog as I think I’ll need to come back to refresh a few points when I am working on my journal. I’d like to ask if it’s a better idea to actually print the journal or use the digital copy of it? The problem with using a digital copy is it lacks that feeling of writing and forming the alphabet and words, which certainly has a different vibration to it. But using the digital copy feels more secure and private. What do you think about it?

  2. I want to start manifestation journalling. currently I only journal regarding my feelings during the day, due to my depression it is negative. does this mean I have been manifesting negativity?

    1. Hi Patricia,

      Interestingly, there are arguments both for and against the type of journaling you’re doing. Let me explain…

      If you’re journaling to purge negativity – and truly release it – this has great benefits.

      On the other hand, if you are unable to shake off that negativity after your journaling, and continue to carry around the weight of whatever you wrote about, this may become problematic as it essentially reinforces the negativity.

      If you want to manifest positivity into your life, I strongly recommend trying gratitude lists. There is extensive research demonstrating the benefits of practicing gratitude, notably that it can lead to increased positivity.

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