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The Human Design Manifestor Type and Their Strategy

Human Design Manifestor qualities and characteristics, and how to lean in to these traits for a peaceful and meaningful life.

What Are Human Design Manifestors?

Human Design Manifestor | A redheaded woman sitting on a beach meditating.

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Manifestors are one of the four or five Human Design types (two are sometimes lumped together), and they make up around 9% of the world’s population.

Only when each one performs ‘correctly’ will this archetype be achieved.

The other energy ‘types’ of human beings include:

Manifestor’s Role / Life Purpose

According to Ra Uru Hu, they work in perfect harmony, harnessing their skills for mutual benefit. 

Human Design philosophy states that there’s a specific function for the different types to operate (known as its role or life purpose), and only when each one performs ‘correctly’ (by embracing their strategy) will this archetype be achieved.

Here’s an overview of the correct role and strategy for each individual type within the Human Design system:

  • Manifestors should initiate; they’re here to get things started. Their strategy is to inform.
  • Generators respond; they’re here to build. Their strategy is to wait to respond.
  • Manifesting Generators build; they’re here to find shortcuts to mastery. Their strategy is to inform and respond.
  • Projectors guide the response; they’re here to direct others. Their strategy is to wait for an invitation.
  • Reflectors reflect; they’re here to reflect the situation for assessment. Their strategy is to wait a full lunar cycle.
The 5 Human Design types.
The 5 Human Design types.

Human Design Manifestor Characteristics

The Manifestor type has what is known as the power of initiation

Manifestors are pure energy beings, in that they (along with subtype, MG’s) are the only type to have a direct connection (defined channel) from a motor center to the throat center, and this is what gives them their unique energy and special innate ability to initiate. 

Manifestors are often misunderstood and viewed as arrogant.

Manifestors are the right people for initiating projects – though they may not be the best type to see them through, with Generators being a better fit for carrying projects to completion. 

Note: Manifestors differ from their sister-type, Manifesting Generators, because in contrast to them they are non-Sacral beings: they do not have a defined Sacral center.

Manifestors have a creative life force with a strong connection to Divine Inspiration, and when they feel the signal of their creative flow, they know it’s the right time to proceed and initiate.

Manifestors are highly influential.

Having the incredible power to initiate in a way no other Human Design type does can often lead to Manifestors being misunderstood and viewed as arrogant. In fact, it’s so common that there’s a name for it: the Manifestor’s repelling aura (more on this later.)

Order Your Human Design Report!

If you’re intrigued by what you’re reading and would like to delve further into your Design, why not order a thorough Human Design reading report for yourself or a loved one? 

Hot tip: Use code HD963K2 for a 25% discount when you purchase two or more reports!

Child reports, unique to the market, are now also available to help strengthen your connection with your child, and support their wellbeing.

Unlike the free reports typically available online, the offering from Supernatural Coaching is a 120+ page comprehensive deep-dive into your unique Design and type, also covering profiles and themes and providing a quick reference guide and workbook.

Mother and child reading their Human Design reports.
Just getting started with Human Design? Get your Essential Human Design Report for just GBP 10.00!

Manifestor vs Manifesting Generator

Let’s take a look at the Manifesting Generator vs the Manifestor, where they overlap and how they differ…

Like MG’s, Pure Manifestors have a defined throat center. Having a motorised throat enables both Manifestors and Manifesting Generators to communicate clearly, and this makes them highly influential.

On the other hand, a significant difference exists between these two types, and that’s related to how their energy is expelled and how they recharge.

Pure Manifestors have an undefined Sacral center, and this manifests as a finite energy reserve, which is absorbed from others with neither consistent access nor reliability. By contrast, Manifesting Generators have a defined Sacral center, and access to an abundant and sustainable energy supply.

We’re all capable of detecting and intuiting auras.

Manifestor’s Aura

The aura is an energy field that extends out around the body by around six feet, communicating our identities and characteristics to those around us. And our aura type behaves differently, according to our Human Design energy type.

While Projectors wait for an invitation, Manifestors do the opposite and initiate the things they want to happen.

We’re all capable of energetically reading, or detecting and intuiting, auras. In practical terms, this is the vibe or sense of positive or negative energy you feel radiating from others.

The qualities of the closed and repelling Manifestor aura has a deep impact, often being perceived as arrogance and egotism, and of course people react to this. But, they are also unique gifts.

Manifestors are often thought of as lone wolves who follow their own path.

The reality is that the energy of a Manifestor is absorbed by other types, and in order not to burnout, they must be discerning and selective about where and how they choose to use their finite energy reserves.

In other words, a repelling aura is the Manifestor’s approach for self-preservation, and this protective mechanism which repels the auras of other types can make Manifestors appear unapproachable – because, basically, they are.

Their closed aura also makes empathy difficult for this type, as they operate so differently to most other people who are not fellow Manifestors. They often come across as blunt and rude because of this – their true nature is not as people pleasers!

It’s no surprise, then, that this energy type is often thought of as a lone wolf.

Manifestors can really struggle when it feelsl ike asking permission.

The natural resistance Manifestors encounter in social interactions with others tends to inflame anger and bitterness within them.

However, applying their strategy in such circumstances has a powerful impact, and is the first step towards significantly reducing the resulting conflict and leading to less resistance and more harmonious relationships.

Man standing on the edge of a pontoon, staring out across a huge lake, surrounded by mountains.

The Powerful Manifestor Strategy

As we’ve learned, Manifestors are powerful beings whose entire life purpose is to initiate – and this can rub some people up the wrong way! Their Human Design strategy is designed to help smooth and soothe the process. How?

The strategy for Manifestors is to inform.

Manifestors can really struggle with this when it feels like asking permission. However, that’s not what informing is about.

Instead of inspiring resentment, Manifestors will find themselves respected.

Instead of using the phrase ‘Do you mind’ or ‘Is it okay with you’, Manifestors should try saying ‘I’m just letting you know’. This paves the way for the other main types to anticipate a Manifestor’s actions and move aside without a lot of resistance – and without the Manifestor feeling like they are asking for permission.

Unlike other energy types, the Manifestor’s strategy is not necessarily vital to their success for living correctly; informing the people around you of your intentions and what to expect from you can simply help to avoid confrontations.

But while informing others may not be vital, it’s certainly a valuable endeavour: it will not only lay the path of least resistance, it can even help these lone wolves to find support for their creative energy. The entrepreneurial Manifestor will do well to heed this lesson!

This awareness must always be obeyed.

Instead of inspiring resentment, Manifestors will find themselves respected for their true self.

It’s worth keeping in mind that there’s no need for Manifestors to inform everyone of their new ideas; they need only inform those who will be directly affected by their actions.

Manifestor Inner Authority Variations

Manifestors have one of three different inner authorities, depending on which of their energy centers are defined:

Splenic Manifestor

Splenic authority is an awareness rooted in survival and is the most visceral authority, yet it is also the weakest sense, often making it difficult to access and interpret.

The spleen is always switched on to a ‘yes’ – until it says ‘NO!’, which can be a sudden and harsh shift. 

This awareness must always be obeyed, since its primary function is to keep you safe.

Ignore your mind and tune into your feelings.

Emotional Manifestor

A defined Solar Plexus gives a Manifestor Emotional authority, which is all about feeling (check out this post about authority in Human Design to familiarise yourself with authority hierarchy). It’s vital for those with emotional Solar Plexus inner authority to ride the emotional wave and resist making important decisions until they come through the other side of that wave.

Avoid decision making for as long as possible, and any time you start thinking, remember to ignore your mind and tune into your feelings, which is where your inner wisdom come from.

Ego Manifestor

This is the rarest type of inner authority and is exclusive to Manifestors and Projectors.

Ego authority often makes itself heard during strong emotions, but when the mind is not engaged with what is being said. When words tumble out during periods of high emotion, this is the ego authority speaking.

The Manifestor’s Signature Theme

Signature is an indication to each type that they are living correctly, in accordance with their own design, and the signature theme of Manifestors is a sense of peace.

This is a clear demonstration that they are living in alignment with their strategy and authority.

The biggest challenge in the life of any Manifestor tends to be related to their conflict with others when they fail to apply their ideal strategy. By implementing their strategy to inform – essentially neutralising the resentment their actions can otherwise cause in others – a Manifestor can experience a more peaceful existence.

Signature is especially vital for Manifestor types, because they cannot tolerate when others get in their way and interfere in their plans.

It makes sense then, that feeling at peace for a Manifestor is a clear demonstration that they are living in alignment with their strategy and authority.

Manifestor Energy Type and Sleep

Only energy types with a defined Sacral center are designed to have their energy levels entirely depleted when they go to bed, ie. Generator types (including MG’s).

For Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors, they should retire to bed before they’re ready to sleep, to rest and unwind first. Reading for a while before switching off the light can work well for these types.

Non Sacral energy types also do better sleeping by themselves. This alone time allows them to fully discharge the energy they’ve absorbed and amplified whilst in the company of Sacral beings during the day.

Woman reading in bed.

Following these guidelines will help Manifestors to enjoy better quality sleep and wake up feeling healthy and refreshed.

The Manifestor Not-Self Theme (False Self)

The Manifestor’s False Self trait is anger.

It tends to become an established pattern for the adult Manifestor.

From birth, Manifestors are driven to initiate action without requesting permission – and this quickly leads to parents of Manifestor children feeling their authority being challenged and undermined. 

Naturally, this does not go well for the Manifestor child, whose parents tend to react with discipline and/or by attempting to enforce strong boundaries.

Both the parents of Manifestors and their children constantly lock horns, and this cycle is perpetuated throughout childhood, manifesting as anger and tending to become an established pattern for the adult Manifestor.

Choosing to employ their strategy and authority can save this type these lifelong headaches.

Ready to Order Your Report?

Curious to find out more, or order a reading for yourself or a loved one?

A comprehensive report can be an excellent tool to help deepen your relationships. And, newly unique to the market, child reports are now also available to help strengthen your connection with your child, and support their wellbeing.

Hot tip: Use code HD963K2 for a 25% discount when you purchase two or more reports!

Unlike the free reports typically available online, the offering from Supernatural Coaching is a 120+ page comprehensive deep-dive into your unique Design and type, also covering profiles and themes and providing a quick reference guide and workbook.

Woman in a coffee shop reading her husband's Human Design report. She has long dark hair and there's a cup of coffee in front of her.
Just getting started with Human Design? Get your Essential Human Design Report for just GBP 10.00!

Famous Manifestors

Famous Manifestors (and infamous Manifestors) include:

  • Ra Uru Hu
  • Maya Angelou
  • Gloria Steinem
  • Johnny Depp
  • Susan Sarandon
  • Al Gore
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Monica Bellucci
  • Tom Cruise
  • Jerry Seinfeld
  • Patti Smith
  • Gwen Stefani
  • Pierre Cardin
  • Frida Kahlo
  • Vladimir Putin
  • Adolf Hitler

Is There Any Science Behind the Concept of the Human Design Manifestor Personality Type?

There is no evidence supporting Human Design as a concept, however it covers interesting ideas which are worth exploring.

Unsurprisingly, research1 supports the idea that people tend to react negatively to perceived arrogance, increasing the likelihood of dislike of the person exhibiting arrogant behaviour. 

Further research into modesty2 reinforces this viewpoint, demonstrating its importance in the context of social standing, and the fact that a dearth of modesty can undermine how likeable a person is.

The idea of informing others before acting in order to counter these issues is problematic. This could be labelled as assertiveness:

Assertiveness is the quality of being self-assured and confident without being aggressive to defend a right point of view or a relevant statement.


Despite having a highly regarded reputation3, depending on the particular studies you look at, assertiveness can be viewed either as positive4, or unfavourable interpersonal behaviour5, and socially detrimental.

Taking the above research into account, it could be considered irresponsible to encourage an arbitrary set of people to behave in ways that have been shown to detrimental to social health.

Signature reading Kate, with a heart.


  1. Hareli, S., Weiner, B. Accounts for Success as Determinants of Perceived Arrogance and Modesty. Motivation and Emotion 24, 215–236 (2000).
  2. The Importance of Being Modest CONSTANTINE SEDIKIDES, AIDEN P. GREGG, and CLAIRE M. HART.
  3. Delamater RJ, Mcnamara JR. The Social Impact of Assertiveness: Research Findings and Clinical Implications. Behavior Modification1986;10(2):139-158. doi:10.1177/01454455860102001.
  4. Associations between assertiveness, psychological well-being, and self-esteem in adolescents. Maria Sarkova,Maria Bacikova-Sleskova,Olga Orosova,Andrea Madarasova Geckova,Zuzana Katreniakova,Daniel Klein,Wim van den Heuvel,Jitse P. van Dijk.
  5. Delamater RJ, Mcnamara JR. The Social Impact of Assertiveness: Research Findings and Clinical Implications. Behavior Modification1986;10(2):139-158. doi:10.1177/01454455860102001.

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