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Human Design Circuitry – A Complete Guide to the Bodygraph Circuits

Human Design circuitry provides a blueprint to human behaviour. Learn about the three main circuits and each sub-circuit, and how they can influence your design.

Circuitry in Human Design

Human Design circuitry | A woman bends over a table of candles and petals to light a candle with a match. The table has a white table cloth and the woman wears a white shirt and orange trousers.

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There are several different components in the world of Human Design, which combined create something really quite special. The system is so complex, that it can be helpful to think of it as layers of principles, with layers of keynotes relating to each.

Discover more in these Human Design books and classic texts:

Imagine a Human Design chart in the form of a mandala, with each individual element represented on separate sheets of paper, stacked or layered one on top of the other. 

Circuits are the foundations of Human Design upon which its other components are built.

It’s a rich resource containing a wealth of synthesised information, each with its origins in separate New-Age systems, ultimately forming the image we recognise as the rave mandala. One of those systems is the Kabbalah Tree of Life, from which the channels in Human Design evolved.

Of course a mandala contains a myriad of information, much of which is beyond the scope of this article. So let’s concentrate for now on a more basic body graph while we dive into circuits, the foundations of Human Design upon which its other components are built.

Diagram of Human Design circuitry.
Diagram of Human Design circuitry.
Learn how to read your Human Design chart in our post covering the various components and terminology.

What is Human Design Circuitry?

Much like an electric circuit board, the channels on a Human Design bodygraph are arranged in circuits connecting the energy centers, each representing potentials of attributes.

There are three major circuits in Human Design.

Defined channels (created by definition in connecting gates) act like electrical conduits, switching on different combinations of those characteristics and traits.

As well as individual channels determining qualities, the circuit they belong to is also relevant. Each different circuit has its own particular function and purpose within the Human Design system.

There are three major circuits in Human Design:

  • Individual circuit
  • Tribal circuit
  • Collective circuit

These main types of circuits can be further broken down into six, which we’ll explore below.

Diagram of Human Design circuitry and sub-circuitry.
Diagram of Human Design circuitry and sub-circuitry.

There are also four channels which do not appear in any of the circuits.

These unaccounted for channels are known as the Integration channels, or collectively as the Integration circuit, and are sometimes considered / referred to as an additional sub-circuit of Individual circuitry.

Order Your Human Design Report!

If you’re intrigued by what you’re reading and would like to delve further into your Design, why not order a thorough Human Design reading report for yourself or a loved one? 

Hot tip: Use code HD963K2 for a 25% discount when you purchase two or more reports!

Child reports, unique to the market, are now also available to help strengthen your connection with your child, and support their wellbeing.

Unlike the free reports typically available online, the offering from Supernatural Coaching is a 120+ page comprehensive deep-dive into your unique Design and type, also covering profiles and themes and providing a quick reference guide and workbook.

Mother and child reading their Human Design reports.
Just getting started with Human Design? Get your Essential Human Design Report for just GBP 10.00!

How Circuitry Works in Human Design

The Human Design circuits illustrate how our species evolves, from the individual, to the tribe, and ultimately to humanity as a collective group.

Most people have a combination of circuitry in their design.

Our personal circuitry determines our role in society, and influences how we interact with the world.

Most people have a combination of circuitry in their design, but it’s common for one to be dominant and therefore to colour our behaviour as we live out the theme of our purpose.

Following is an overview of each of the different circuits and its sub-circuits. 

Note that the numbers are out of sequence, but if you look at a Human Design body graph you will see that it makes sense, with channels listed in the order gates appear, top to bottom, on a body chart.

Overview of Individual Circuitry

The Individual circuit is all about personal experience and initiating processes of transformation and the evolution of humanity.

Diagram of Human Design Individual circuitry.
Diagram of Human Design Individual circuitry.

The mutative energy expressed in the Individual circuit is unique and designed to be pioneering, inspiring, and empowering to others. Its dynamic nature generates innovation, and greatly influence the Tribal circuit.

Learning to embrace this uniqueness can be a challenge.

The theme of Individual energy is the initiation of adaption, and when Individual energy is allowed to fully express itself, evolution naturally follows.

Those with strong Individual energy in their chart may experience feelings of being different – because they are. Learning to embrace this uniqueness can be a challenge, but when it happens they will feel at peace.

Note: when the entire Individual circuit is defined, all centers of the bodygraph form part of the circuit and create an emotional Manifesting Generator.

Sub-Circuits of the Individual Circuit

1. Knowing Circuit 

Channels: 61/24, 43/23, 20/57, 12/22, 8/1, 2/14, 28/38, 55/39, 3/60

Keynotes: The Knowing circuit is about deep sense of certainty, based not upon logic or reasoning, but an undeniable intuition, coming from a core instinct.

2. Centering Circuit

Channels: 10/34, 25/51

Keynotes: The Centering circuit is highly spiritual, tying the Individual to something greater than itself. 

The energy of this circuit recognises that the pushes and pulls of an Individual’s desires are an expression of a higher energy. 

3. Integration Circuit

Channels: 20/10, 20/34, 10/57, 57/20

Keynotes: The enigmatic Integration circuit is profoundly different to any other sub-circuit, however it’s sometimes classified as belonging to the Individual circuit.

For the most part, channels are created by two gates directly opposite each other, in different centers. The Integration circuit is different: it has four centers connected by four gates, creating a possible six channels.

These channels are known as the Integration channels.

Two of these channels (20/57 channel of the Brainwave, and 10/34 channel of Exploration) are more clearly defined and indeed belong to the Knowing and Centering circuits respectively.

The remaining four channels of the individual group of circuits (57/34 channel of Power, 57/10 Perfected Form, 10/20 channel of Awakening, and 20/34 channel of Charisma) do not technically belong to any circuitry and are known as the Integration channels, or collectively as the Integration circuit.

These specific channels are designed to be self-contained, intuitive, and self-empowering. This energy understands that despite living independently, we are spiritually connected as part of something bigger.

Name of the ChannelDefined GatesSub-CircuitDefined Centers
Channel of Awareness61 – 24KnowledgeHead & Ajna
Channel of Structuring43 – 23KnowledgeAjna & Throat
Channel of Awakening20 – 10IntegrationThroat – G
Channel of the Brainwave20 – 57KnowledgeSpleen – Throat
Channel of Charisma20 – 34IntegrationSacral – Throat
Channel of Openness12 – 22KnowledgeSolar Plexus & Throat
Channel of Inspiration8 – 1KnowledgeThroat & G
Channel of Perfect Form10 – 57IntegrationSpleen – G
Channel of Exploration10 – 34CenteringSacral – G
Channel of Initiation25 – 51CenteringG – Ego
Channel of the Beat2 – 14KnowledgeG & Sacral
Channel of Power57 – 34IntegrationSpleen – Sacral
Channel of Struggle28 – 38KnowledgeRoot – Spleen
Channel of Emoting55 – 39KnowledgeRoot & Solar Plexus
Channel of Mutation3 – 60KnowledgeSacral & Root

Overview of Tribal Circuitry

Tribal circuitry is primarily concerned with close groups, and the wellbeing of family, friends, and close community.

Diagram of Human Design Tribal circuitry.
Diagram of Human Design Tribal circuitry.

Those with a lot of definition in their Tribal circuitry feel deeply responsible for those they care about. They are naturally be drawn to and affected by Individual energy as a means of survival and a way of elevating the Tribe.

Tribal circuitry includes family, nurturing, allocation of resources, and values.

Sub-Circuits of Tribal Circuitry

1. Ego Circuit

Channels: 45/21, 26/44, 40/37, 32/54, 49/19

Keynotes: The energy of the Ego circuit is ruled by the Heart center and focuses on marriage, community, business agreements and contracts, and the managing and rationing of resources.

May come over as materialistic and aggressively ambitious, however this energy has fierce principles with the Tribe at the core of its values.

2. Defense Circuit

Channels: 50/27, 6/59

Keynotes: The Defense circuit is deeply primal and concerned with associated base themes including reproduction and nurturing, friction and war, protection and peace.

Name of the ChannelDefined GatesSub-CircuitDefined Centers
Channel of Money45 – 21EgoThroat – Ego
Channel of Surrender26 – 44EgoSpleen – Ego
Channel of Community40 – 37EgoSolar Plexus – Ego
Channel of Preservation50 – 27DefenseSacral – Spleen
Channel of Intimacy6 – 59DefenseSacral – Solar Plexus
Channel of Transformation32 – 54EgoRoot – Spleen
Channel of Synthesis49 – 19EgoRoot – Solar Plexus

Overview of Collective Circuitry

Collective circuitry is about taking a broad and logical view of humanity and taking an holistic approach in order to not only ensure the survival of the individual, but of the species.

Diagram of Human Design Collective circuitry.
Diagram of Human Design Collective circuitry.

Collective energy allows for more dispassionate and logical reasoning, with considerations for the majority being a greater priority than individual experiences. As such, this energy can appear to be cold.

Those with dominant Collective circuitry in their chart tend to notice patterns and use them to analyse and predict needs. Its goal is the best life for the collective, but primarily to ensure the survival of humanity.

Sub-Circuits of Collective Circuitry

1. Sensing Circuit

Channels: 64/47, 11/56, 35/36, 33/13, 46/29, 42/53, 30/41

Keynotes: Spiritually sensitive, the energy of the Sensing circuit has an intuitive and mystical quality. 

The Sensing circuit thrives on storytelling and learns from past experiences, sorting abstract information and using an holistic approach to gain clarity over time.

2. Understanding Circuit

Channels: 63/4, 17/62, 16/48, 31/7, 15/5, 18/58, 9/52

Keynotes: The Understanding circuit is centred around logic, data, and analysis. 

Its energy is all about recognising repetitive patterns and using the resulting predictable and consistent information to establish or order and make wise decisions for the benefit of the evolving collective.

Name of the ChannelDefined GatesSub-CircuitDefined Centers
Channel of Abstraction64- 47SensingHead & Ajna
Channel of Logic63 – 4UnderstandingHead & Ajna
Channel of Acceptance17 – 62UnderstandingAjna & Throat
Channel of Curiosity11 – 56SensingAjna & Throat
Channel of the Wavelength16 – 48UnderstandingSpleen & Throat
Channel of Transitoriness35 – 36SensingSolar Plexus & Throat
Channel of the Alpha31 – 7UnderstandingThroat & G
Channel of The Prodigal33 – 13SensingThroat & G
Channel of Rhythm15 – 5UnderstandingG & Sacral
Channel of Discovery46 – 29SensingG & Sacral
Channel of Judgement18 – 58UnderstandingRoot & Spleen
Channel of Maturation42 – 53SensingSacral & Root
Channel of Concentration9 – 52UnderstandingSacral & Root
Channel of Recognition30 – 41SensingRoot & Solar Plexus

Making Sense of Circuit Groups in Human Design

Individual Human Design circuitry represents humans on an individual or personal level. Those with dominant Individual energy in their chart are here to challenge the status quo, and initiate innovative change within their tribe.

This fundamental energy, underpins the human experience.

Tribal energy represents humanity on a tribal level. Those with this circuitry dominant in their chart are here to take on board the ideas of Individual circuitry, to test and analyse them, and – if they work well – to share those ideas within the tribe.

Collective circuitry represents collective humanity. Those with dominant Collective energy in their chart are here to widely share the positive changes identified by Tribal circuitry.

Change is triggered by the Individual, successfully spread first to the Tribe, and then throughout the Collective. Through this process it becomes fundamental energy, underpinning the human experience.

The complex Human Design system was developed by Ra Uru Hu. On this site I attempt to make sense of the original language of Human Design, per his teachings, and translate it into accessible, user-friendly everyday language. 

Ready to Order Your Report?

Curious to find out more, or order a reading for yourself or a loved one?

A comprehensive report can be an excellent tool to help deepen your relationships. And, newly unique to the market, child reports are now also available to help strengthen your connection with your child, and support their wellbeing.

Hot tip: Use code HD963K2 for a 25% discount when you purchase two or more reports!

Unlike the free reports typically available online, the offering from Supernatural Coaching is a 120+ page comprehensive deep-dive into your unique Design and type, also covering profiles and themes and providing a quick reference guide and workbook.

Woman in a coffee shop reading her husband's Human Design report. She has long dark hair and there's a cup of coffee in front of her.
Just getting started with Human Design? Get your Essential Human Design Report for just GBP 10.00!

What Does the Science Say?

As we know, Human Design circuitry is based upon the Kabbalah Tree of Life, and so that’s where I started my research for this topic.

As it transpires, there are many similarities between the Kabbalah and string theory, which is a theoretical framework in physics. Several different physicists are credited with their part in its discovery, including Michio Kaku, Michael Green, and John Schwarz, and their work follows on from Einstein’s general theory of relativity1.

A research paper from the The Noetic Advanced Studies Institute suggests that the statistical probability of the similarities between Kabbalah and string theory occurring by chance is ‘nearly impossible’2.

My next search focused on the Institute and its credentials. I learned that it was co-founded in 1973 by former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, which lends credence… However I subsequently discovered that co-founder Mitchell’s assertions “… have often been criticised by skeptics”3.

Here’s Mitchell’s response:

That’s what’s fun about it. We’re breaking down barriers and finding things. That’s what science is all about: new discovery. … There’s nothing that we have done or have demonstrated that doesn’t have good science behind it. Skeptics be damned.

Edgar Mitchell, Wikipedia

Note, the Institute is listed on Stephen Barrett’s Quackwatch website4 thanks to its unconventional and somewhat controversial research.

Fascinating though the possible crossover between science and the mystical is, evidence on this topic is ultimately scarce.

However, I subsequently

Signature reading Kate, with a heart.


  1. String theory, Wikipedia
  2. A Comparative Study of 10(11) D Superstring Theory and the 10(11) Sefirot in the Tree of Life Metaphor of the Hebrew Kabbalah, Richard L. Amoroso
  3. Institute of Noetic Sciences, Wikipedia
  4. Questionable Organisation, Quackwatch

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